Monday, 22 November 2010

World Under 16s Tambourelli Tournament

Getting ready!

13 -15 Boys Winner playing at the club

9-12 Girls finalist

Under 9s Champion prize giving

A second World Championship for Newton Stewart and new world champions.
At the Merrick Leisure Centre this weekend, Scottish Tambourelli hosted the 2010 ‘Under 16’s World Tournament’, yet another successful event held in Newton Stewart - the heartland of Tambourelli. “It was great to see so many young people taking part and getting to know each other through such an enjoyable game.” said Chloe Bruce, Scottish Tambourelli’s Tournament organiser. “The volunteers were a massive help, as was having last year’s ‘World Under 16s Champion’, Liam Campbell, there helping out and giving advice. We couldn’t have done it without them!”

All entrants were given a Tambourelli T shirt as a ‘thank you’ for entering and contributing to such a fun-filled day.

The action-packed final games were between:

Under 9’s Singles World Champion Aiden Brock (NS) who played Struan Hayes
Under 9s Doubles World Champions Kieran Cluckie (NS) and Struan Hayes who played Rachael Quigley (Wigtown) and Aiden Brock (NS)

9 to 12 Girls Singles World Champion Lindsey Barr (NS) who retained her title playing Ellis Hayes

9 to 12 Boys Singles World Champion Charlie McIllraith (NS) who played Fraser Dawson (NS)
9 to 12 Doubles World Champions Ryairi Beattie (NS) and Charlie McIllraith (NS) Lyndsey Barr (NS) and Abbie Thompson (Wigtown)

13 to 15 Girls Singles World Champion Sarah Fern (Stranraer)
13 to 15 Boys Singles World Champion Mark Milvern (Wigtown) who played Conor Beattie (NS)
13 to 15 Doubles World Champions Mark Milvern (Wigtown) and Sarah Fern (Stranraer) who played Conor Beattie (Newton Stewart) and Calvin Ferries (Stranraer).

Many of the players came from clubs run by Scottish Tambourelli’s volunteer community coaches or through Active Schools involvement. If you would like to start playing Tambourelli or would like to be a Scottish Tambourelli volunteer then either phone Chloe Bruce on 01671830390 and she can tell you about your nearest club or ask your Active Schools Coordinator to see if your school could start a club. More information on

Under 9s Final

9-12 Boys Champion

9 -12 Girls finalist

9 -12 doubles players

9-12 Girls Champion

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